Get to Know Your SA BEC - Anastasia Kuusk
5th May 2020
- This week we have the spotlight on Anastasia Kuusk, FACS, SA Branch Honorary Secretary,
- Anastasia provides insights into how to make the most of your ACS Membership.

1. What do you enjoy most about working in the tech industry?
The creative people and life long friends you meet and tweaking what you do every couple of years to keep current and relevant in the ever changing world of technology.
2. What is the key piece of advice you’d give to your younger self?
You can never imagine what you will do in 25 years time and how quickly the time will go – you may do the complete opposite in public and private life – so live for the moment and smile regularly and don’t work so much!
3. Tech changes fast. How do you keep your tech skills up-to-date?
Check job descriptions in your related field regularly for up to date terminology and adjust your training/certifications/profile/resume accordingly.
4. What is your greatest challenge as a leader/ business owner?
State and federal government changes to taxation and related regulatory requirements and balancing accepting too much work and when it really comes in.
5. How has ACS membership supported your career journey in tech?
As l have been actively involved in many facets of the organisation from Management Committee, Branch Chair, Fellows/Audit/Professional/WIT involvement and YIT Board Chair l have gained skills in media, leadership, company governance and get to work with very talented people within and external to ACS – You get out what you put in...
'Get to Know Your ACS SA BEC' series aims to shed the spotlight on your SA BEC members and get their insights on key topics realted to your ACS membership and the IT sector. This week we continue our ‘Get to Know Your ACS SA BEC’ series, with Anastasia Kuusk, FACS, SA Branch Honorary Secretary, providing some insights into how to make the most of your ACS Membership.