5 Minutes With... Adam Goodes, CEO, Find A Job and ACS Certified Professional Member
9th June 2020
- Adam Goodes is the CEO of Find A Job and has been a ACS member for over 2 decades
- Amongst other accomplishments, he has recently joined the league of ACS Certified Professionals
- Adam's advice to other tech professionals is to 'put in the work and learn the ropes from the ground up…success will come to you'.

1. What do you enjoy most about working in tech?
I get to meet amazing clients and IT candidates who are at different stages of their IT career. To be able to then match my client’s vacant roles to outstanding IT candidates in my network is the most enjoyable experience to have. I’ve worked in IT and managed IT teams in the past, so I also enjoy consulting for CIO’s and IT Managers around their technology stack and how they compare to industry standards. This in-depth knowledge of the IT sector helps my candidates understand the IT skill set required in the current market.
2. How has ACS membership supported your journey in tech?
I joined the ACS in 1999 when I landed my first job as an IT Systems Administrator for Capt’n Snooze…now known as Snooze. My ACS membership has allowed me to attend events, meet new people and of course keep up to date with the latest trends in IT.
3. Why did you decide to become ACS certified?
Being ACS certified means my clients and candidates can be assured that when they are working with me, they know I have independent validation of my experience as an IT professional and I can truly understand their IT needs from a unique perspective.
4. Do you have any inspiring words of wisdom for those looking to take their next step in their IT career?
I am probably biased, but it is just an amazing career choice that can open so many new opportunities and doors beyond your wildest dreams. Whether that be reaching the pinnacle of being a Chief Information Officer (CIO) or getting an opportunity to work overseas…if you put in the work and learn the ropes from the ground up…success will come to you.
5. What do you see are the challenges for the sector? And how do you wish to contribute to resolving them?
There are two very clear challenges that I can see, and they are:
i. Shortage of IT Talent
ii. Low number of women in IT.
The recent Corona virus environment has literally supercharged the IT industry forward a few years with demand for IT services to increase immensely. The problem is we do not have enough IT talent to fill this void. I see my job in helping people continue their IT career or transition across from other sectors through career mentoring and coaching.
There is still an issue with attracting women into tech and I have always been supportive of the amazing women in my IT network. I do this by providing guidance and market insight to my network and helping IT teams to balance up their hiring needs.
6. Looking forward, past the crisis, what changes for the good do you hope to see for businesses and employees?
There have been several IT services that have made life a lot easier for us in this crisis. The first one that comes to mind is the opening up of Telehealth to all patients and doctors. The ability to talk with your doctor over video conferencing will save so much time and money for both parties…I just hope the government continues with funding this option.
The second change, for the good, would have to be Working from Home opportunities. I can’t see too many IT roles where this option isn’t permanently listed as a benefit and a part of the standard position description. It will also open up opportunities for businesses to tap into highly skilled IT candidates who don’t live in the area.
"5 Minutes With..." is a series of articles showcasing exceptional ACS Members and their amazing, innovative, and game changing stories. Representing over 45,000 tech professionals across Australia, our Members work across industry, government, research, and education organisations and each edition highlights the role they are playing in making Australia a world leader in technology talent, fostering innovation, and creating new forms of value.