ACS NT Branch Welcomes City of Darwin as Professional Partner Program (PPP) Members
15th June 2020
- City of Darwin have recntly joined ACS as our Professional Partner Program (PPP) members.
- They have just launched the myDarwin program, a digital discount initiative incentivising Darwin consumers to spend across the municipality.

We are looking forward to working with City of Darwin’s Innovation and Information Services team to continue to bring new and innovative tech ideas to Darwin. This comes as CoD have just launched the myDarwin program, which is a digital discount initiative that incentivises Darwin consumers to spend across the municipality. The innovative idea was the Council’s response to help stimulate the economy after the Coronavirus pandemic and was developed to support local businesses and the community.
The myDarwin concept was to create a circular economy, to re-invest some of Council’s car-parking revenue back into the economy, but to increase spending and stimulate some much-needed growth back into the local hospitality, retail and tourism industries.
With limited time and resources, a small team led the design and development of a web-based portal, for customers to be provided with $40 worth of discounts every day, that attracts a minimum spend of 4 times the discount’s value.
Each customer receives 6 unique codes to receive a discount at participating businesses across Darwin, one code per store per day. When a customer uses a discount code, a same value code will be generated and provided the following morning.
The program will commence accepting discounts as of 12 June and will continue until all of the allocated $300,000 revenue has been exhausted. This will result in $1.2M into the local economy. The program has been designed to add more funding or be re-used at other times when needed.
The program has attracted the interest of many other council’s both interstate and overseas, with the City of Darwin potentially white labelling the program for greater use.