TAFE Queensland – Pivoting in COVID to Support Students, Staff and the Community
15th June 2020
- TAFE Queensland, an ACS Professional Partner is offering a range of free education and training to support individuals, and small, medium and large businesses in conjunction with the Queensland Government.
- These short courses are designed for individuals who are looking to gain new skills to add to their resume.
- They are suited for anyone looking to change career into the cyber and data security field or restart their current career, or upskill in a range of new digital literacy and communication technology skills.

During this period of encouraged (sometimes forced) hibernation, there is no better time to start learning, acquire a new skill, or try something different.
TAFE Queensland is offering a range of free courses and skill sets, giving our community a way to gain skills that could turn uncertainty into opportunity.
These short courses are designed for individuals who are looking to gain new skills to add to their resume. They are suited for anyone looking to change career into the cyber and data security field or restart their current career, upskilled with a range of new digital literacy and communication technology skills.
It’s been a smooth transition for our information, communication and technology, animation, games and digital design students. They have seamlessly transitioned from face-to-face classes to virtual learning, keeping them on track to achieve their original assessment and completion deadlines.
Delivery through Zoom and Online rooms has allowed learning and collaboration to continue with students still very connected to their teachers, despite physical distances.
Students have accessed online tools including VMWare Workstation Player, Cisco Packet Tracer, Adobe educational products, MS Azure Education Dev Teaching Tools, Discord and all the functionality of TAFE Queensland’s Learning Management System Connect.
Students are benefitting from their online learning experience, particularly through remote problem solving, using collaboration tools like Trello which is providing ‘real-world’ exposure to the realities of working as part of a dispersed IT workforce.
Pre-recorded video instructions have allowed students to learn at their own pace and Zoom conferencing between teachers and students provides a more tailored environment for those students who need any specific support.
Jackie French, Director of the Faculty of Creative Arts and Digital Design, said that students have thrived while engaging in online learning from the comfort of their own home whilst keeping themselves busy and distracted during these challenging times.
"The success of TAFE Queensland’s online learning is a tribute to the efforts of the hard-working educators who quickly, efficiently and seamlessly transitioned into the world of online teaching. This was complimented by the enthusiasm of the engaged students who brought a range of new perspectives to their future careers in gaming and IT.”
TAFE Queensland offers certificate and diploma courses in cyber security, information technology networking, software development, database design as well as bachelor courses offered in partnership with the University of Canberra in games and animation.
Learn more at www.tafeqld.edu.au.