A Word from Minister Ferguson, Patron For ACS Tasmania
30th June 2020
- ACS Tasmania would like to recognise and thank Minister Ferguson for his ongoing support and re-confirmation of his role as Patron of the Tasmanian Branch

ACS Tasmania would like to recognise and thank Minister Ferguson for his ongoing support and re-confirmation of his role as Patron of the Tasmanian Branch. We are very pleased that the Minster has made this commitment particularly during what's been an extraordinary period for us all.
“Industry bodies such as ACS have long played a crucial role to our state and national economies, and will continue to look to the organisation and its membership as we rebuild from COVID-19”, Minister Ferguson said. “Whilst we recognize that it’s been an incredibly tough year for many businesses, we're now on the road to recovery and the Tasmanian Government Is keen to work with you to realise opportunities and unlock more jobs and investment in the state.”
Once again we thank Minster Ferguson and look forward a long and supportive relationship.