Get to Know Your NSW Branch Executive Committee - Harpal Degun MACS Snr MAICD
8th September 2020
- Harpal Degun MACS Snr MAICD is the Senior Manager Strategy & Architecture at eHealth NSW
- Harpal has over 15 years of IT Management experience and have always been at the forefront of delivering leading edge technology solutions that are in-line with business requirements.
- Harpal says that “in this day and age, where ICT is pervasive across almost everything we do, managing cyber security risks and data privacy is everyone's responsibility.”

1. What do you enjoy most about working in the tech industry?
Its ability to provide opportunities for change which in-turn can be used to improve the quality of life of individuals and society as a whole.
2. Tech changes fast. How do you keep yourself up-to-date with the latest technology and trends?
There are many sources of information to choose from so I think the real question is "which one do you trust". Clearly, the ACS website and newsletter fit into this category as well as equivalent services based in the US and UK. Twitter is great source too as well as various conferences and seminars. And then finally, the younger generation -their brains are wired so differently it's just great to get that alternate perspective.
3. Can you name a person who has had a tremendous impact on you as a leader? Why and how did this person impact your life?
My parents taught me the value of hard work and taught me very early on that you have to justify your existence in the workplace to succeed. You will not get on in life if you treat work like a kindergarten. Equally, just like in kindergarten, if you do trip over, dust yourself off and keeping moving forward -there's always another sandcastle to build!
4. How has ACS membership supported your career journey in tech and what advice would you give to others looking to advance their career in ICT?
It has provided me with an invaluable opportunity to network, learn and broaden my horizons (and skills). That broader perspective keeps me abreast of current ICT issues and emerging technologies which I can consider in my own workplace. For those looking for ICT career opportunities I would give the same advice I recently provided to my 16-year-old son -follow your passion, develop your skills and be open to the next opportunity -oh, and be good to your parents🙂.
5. What do you see are the challenges for the sector?
And how do you wish to contribute to resolving them? The industry needs better regulation. In this day and age, where ICT is pervasive across almost everything we do, managing cyber security risks and data privacy is everyone's responsibility. To minimise these risks, we need to ensure all employees have a basic level of ICT understanding and this is at all levels of an organisation, from the Board down.
'Get to Know Your ACS NSW BEC' series aims to shed the spotlight on your NSW BEC members and get their insights on key topics related to your ACS membership and the IT sector. This week we continue our ‘Get to Know Your ACS NSW BEC’ series, with Harpal Degun MACS Snr MAICD, providing insights into keeping your skills updated and how to make the most of your ACS Membership.