JJP Talent Solutions Podcast – Secrets to Success with Prasanna Nagar
17th November 2020
- Nicola Steel, Founder, JJP Talent Solutions (ACS Preferred Recruitment Partner), has released the latest episode of her podcast series.
- She speaks to Prasanna Nagar, (Data Analytics expert and Startup Co-Founder at Zivora) about his journey, lessons learned what he looks for when building his team.

Join Nicola Steel, Founder, JJP Talent Solutions and Prasanna Nagar, Data Analytics expert and Startup Co-Founder at Zivora, who discuss problem-solving and how working with smart mentors and leaders have been the highlight of Prasanna’s career.
Prasanna talks about the challenges of finding the right people and what he looks for when building his team.
Prasanna is also candid about the mistakes he made with his Startup and how it was hard transitioning from the corporate world.
JJP Talent Solutions is ACS Queensland’s Preferred Recruitment Partner. Need assistance with recruiting for tech roles in your organisation? Reach out to Nicola Steel at Nicola@jjptalent.com.au or call 0499 773 546 for a discussion.