How can we be of help and assistance to you in 2021?
A welcome message from the Chair of the NSW BEC, Helen McHugh MACS Snr CP
15th January 2021

Dear ACS NSW Members, Associates and Friends,
Welcome to 2021. I am Helen McHugh, your recently elected chairperson of the NSW Branch Executive (BEC) of the Australian Computer Society (ACS). Thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself to you and to seek your views on how my team in NSW and the ACS can be of service and of help to you.
The BEC is a group of skilled volunteers who give up their time to provide value and services to members by providing the guidance and governance for the NSW Branch. We will be introducing the BEC to you in our next message, or please see their profiles and responsibilities here. As your Chairperson, I want to engage with as many of you as I can and to help bring your thoughts, ideas, and needs to the ACS in both NSW and Nationally.
Those who know me, can tell stories of both my fun side as well as my service working across the industry to improve the quality of the profession, addressing the skills we bring, and the success of the projects and products we deliver. Some of you may also know that I have worked with both the ACS Rescue group and others to address some of the governance issues the ACS has faced because a well-run internal operation delivers value to members.
This is an exciting time for me, my team, and for the ACS as we adopt and adapt to the rapid changes in technology impacting aspects of our lives. I love technology, our industry, and what it can do for us all. While 2020 had its challenges, and some will play out in 2021, there are many opportunities for us and the industry going forward. From bettering home schooling and addressing the Digital Divide, to contact tracing and data matching, through artificial intelligence and machine-to-machine learning in disease management, or helping with bushfires and floods; 2021 and beyond provides many opportunities for us and for technology.
Both the NSW BEC and myself will be reporting to you regularly on what we are doing for you and progress on initiatives to support you. We will also be seeking your views on what you expect from the NSW Branch and how we can help you.
I look forward to hearing from you and meeting you throughout the year. Please feel free to share your views and expectations with us at acs.nsw@acs.org.au or @ACSNSW on Facebook or @ACS on LinkedIn.
Above all, stay safe, happy, and healthy in these times.
Helen McHugh MACS Snr CP
NSW Chair, Branch Executive Committee