ACS Diversity & Inclusion: The time is ripe for increasing diversity in the ICT sector
17th March 2021
Last week Canberra Branch held its annual Diversity & Inclusion Breakfast celebrating International Women’s Day. The theme for the discussion was Leadership equality during and post disruption.
Over 90 people heard a discussion with panelists Galia Cornish (CEO, Synergy Group Australia), Antony Stinziani AACS (Executive Group Manager, ACT Government, Digital, Data and Technology Solutions), Ashlea McKay AACS (Principal User Researcher, Synergy Group Australia and ACS National Diversity & Inclusion Councillor) and Peter Alexander (Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Digital Transformation Agency). Thank you to our event partner, Synergy Group Australia.
After being grilled on questions relating to culture, second-generation bias, and what’s working well and what is not quite right when it comes to achieving diversity in leadership, the following actionable themes came through for individuals, organisations and society:
- Ask, listen (that means really listen) and learn
- The impossible is only that until it is possible (ie be brave to consider alternatives to meet workplace requirements for others)
- Respect and courage
- Commit energy and time to becoming an inclusive organization
- Celebrate diversity through the promotion of people’s work and contributions – its time to bring under-represented groups out from behind the curtain and be seen
The time is ripe for increasing diversity in the ICT sector.

Find out more about ACS Diversity & Inclusion, or for a copy of "Implementing Diversity And Inclusion - A Reference Guide", click here or go to ACS website acs.org.au.