Join the ACS Victoria Student Ambassador Program and demonstrate your potential
February 2022
- The program offers tech students the chance to be involved in ACS’s industry initiatives, to be seen as a leader to other emerging professionals in the field, and to be recognised by the ICT community.
- The program helps you obtain volunteer experience by assisting ACS with various initiatives
- The ambassadors gain access to professional soft skills and technical skills resources

Through the Student Ambassador Program, ACS Victoria connect with students, establish relationships with different educational institutions and increase brand awareness. Student Ambassadors help ACS to embrace more students, educate people about ACS and engage students to become ACS members. ACS helps students to increase their understanding of the ICT industry, key issues and technology trends and to prepare for life after university.
Why should I become an ACS Victoria Student Ambassador?
Students will gain a great deal of skills and recognition for volunteer positions, creating a perfect gateway into the workforce that will make the individual stand out from the crowd once they complete their studies.
The perks of becoming a student ambassador include:
- Building skills and experience that employers look for in new graduates, including personal brand exposure
- Being seen as a leader in the ICT community by guiding peers
- Connecting with employers and industry contacts
- Receiving exclusive training designed by ACS to assist with their ambassadorship
- Being provided with exclusive invitations to premium ACS events and initiatives
- Being provided with a personal ACS email address and access to SharePoint platform with learning and teaching resources
What does the job involve?
As an ACS Student Ambassador, your role will involve:
- Represent ACS at student-focused events during the year and provide your peers with information about ACS and its membership
- Distributing brochures and collateral at relevant campus events, both digital and physical
- Utilising time before a lecture to talk about the benefits of ACS membership (coordinate with lecturer)
- Contribute content and information to the ACS eNews
- Assisting ACS with delivering presentations on student member benefits
- Encouraging current ACS members on your campus to spread the word about membership
- Provide feedback and information to ACS staff on the needs of students at your respective institution
- Participate in other activities of the ACS Student Ambassador Program and community, including training, planning and reporting on your activities
- Connecting students to ACS events and initiatives
- Establishing an ACS student group on campus, and encourage them to take responsibility for events, and assist with membership growth (optional)
Am I eligible to join the program?
In order to be eligible for the ACS Student Ambassador Program, you must meet the following requirements:
- Are currently studying an ICT qualification at a Victorian educational institution
- Are an active-financial Student member of ACS Victoria
- Have a minimum of 12 months study remaining at your respective educational institution
Why should I join the ACS?
- To increase your understanding of the industry, key issues and technology trends, and to prepare for life after study.
- To attend various networking events to meet industry people and potential employers.
- To demonstrate to potential employers your commitment to your profession and prove your proactive approach to keeping up-to-date with what’s happening in the industry.
What time commitment is required?
Each Ambassador is expected to invest approximately 5-7 hours per month in the role between February and November each year.
Do I need to report back to ACS on a regular basis?
ACS will reach out to you regularly to notify you or request upcoming events and initiatives and to find out whether you require any support. It is a good idea however, to keep communication open with your ACS contact to discuss any plans you may have, to allow you to pass on any feedback and also to communicate any events of significance taking place at your university which may be of benefit for ACS to support.
How do I apply?
- It’s easy! There are 4 simple steps for applying to become an ACS student ambassador (and we promise it won't take you long!):
- Download the application form
- Speak to your course convenor or lecturer about your application and request that they accept to be a referee.
- Ensure that you provide as much information as possible where prompted
- Send your completed application to acs.vic@acs.org.au
Become a leader, boost your career potential and expand your network!