Growing Queensland’s Digital Workforce - Digital Professional Workforce Action Plan
07 July 2021
- The Queensland Government’s Digital Professional Workforce Action Plan 2020-2024 outlines an $8 million investment to boost the number of Queenslanders skilling and re-skilling for an expected upsurge in digital jobs. ACS had direct input into the formation of the Plan, represented by Nick Tate, Vice-President, Membership, and Chair of CICTA.

The Queensland Government’s Digital Professional Workforce Action Plan 2020-2024 outlines an $8 million investment to boost the number of Queenslanders skilling and re-skilling for an expected upsurge in digital jobs.
There’s a growing demand for Queenslanders with digital and ICT skills with industry and business leaders forecasting the need for tens of thousands more digital workers in our state by 2024.
The Queensland Government is encouraging Queenslanders, particularly those who've lost their jobs because of COVID, to look at digital re-skilling as a pathway back into the workforce.
The Queensland Government is committed to developing a strong and thriving digital and ICT industry making our state more self-reliant and resilient in the future and contribute to Queensland’s increasing economic prosperity.
The digital workforce plan aims to address the low numbers of school leavers enrolling in digital and ICT degrees and vocational training and change their perceptions and make ICT and digital a career of choice.
To achieve this, we’ll raise the profile of digital and ICT skilling and reskilling so it becomes a much more visible and attractive choice.
One of the priorities is to support those entering the digital and ICT industry to gain valuable experience through internships and graduate training programs. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and people with a disability will be encouraged to enter the industry through specific placement programs.
The plan will also promote remote working opportunities for digital professionals in the regions as well as make it easier for people in regional areas to access upskilling and reskilling opportunities through place-based digital skills education.
Another focus of the plan will be to invest in activities that will encourage existing digital and ICT workers to stay at the cutting edge of this exciting and essential industry.
The plan is part of the $200 million Future Skills Fund, the Queensland Government will continue to partner with the state’s digital industry to implement the Action Plan and help Queenslanders undertake digital skills training and development.
For more information visit www.qld.gov.au/digital-workforce-plan