Toowoomba hosts the QSITE Conference – Let it Bloom 2021
- Our friends at Queensland Society for IT in Education (QSITE) are running their IT in Education Conference in Toowoomba during school holidays on 20 – 21 September.

Toowoomba is hosting the 2021 Queensland Society for IT in Education State Conference in the September school holidays.
September is a beautiful time to visit Toowoomba, which will be in full bloom. QSITE invites you to visit their conference website at https://qsite.edu.au/qsite-events/qsite-conference-2021.
Here you will find the details of the two-day conference, including keynote speakers, workshops, presentations, technology playground, an exclusive tour of Pulse Data Centre, and the retro themed conference dinner to celebrate the 30th anniversary of QSITE and 40 years since the inception of the Computer Education Group of Queensland.
QSITE looks forward to welcoming you along to Let it Bloom 2021.