Meet the NSW Branch team
1st September 2021
- As your local branch, the ACS NSW team want to re-introduce ourselves to the ACS community, so you can put a friendly face to your branch team working behind the scenes during lockdown.
- The NSW Branch are hosting the upcoming ACS ICT Professionals Open Day to showcase the many benefits that ACS offers. Register free here.
- Last week we were excited to welcome our newest team member, Subha Syed, Events & Membership Coordinator, who will be managing the NSW professional development events and ensuring our members feel part of the community. Keep reading to learn more about the ACS NSW team.

Subha Syed – Events & Membership Coordinator:
What do you love about technology?
The possibilities.
Who is your favourite tech hero/leader?
Grace Hopper.
What do you hope to achieve in your role at ACS?
I’d love to help bring about opportunities that develop and redefine how people interact with the tech sector and emerging technological innovations (for members and non-members alike!).
Martin Turner – NSW Sales Manager:
What do you love about technology?
It’s a rapidly changing space that’s helping us to improve our lives. It’s also a really inspiring industry that gives young people a chance to become leaders, something that isn’t reflected in other verticals.
Who is your favourite tech hero/leader?
Currently Mike Cannon Brookes. An inspiration to create such an impressive business from scratch, that’s setting the tone for other tech companies in terms of his staff and working practices. I’m also inspired by his dedication to clean energy and his efforts to transform this sector.
What do you hope to achieve in your role at ACS?
To give our clients the best possible experience in NSW and to help create a community that delivers an outcome whatever your journey in the tech space.
Manon Souris – Senior Events Coordinator:
What do you love about technology?
It's literally changing the world. Every day, everyone's life gets easier thanks to new tools and platforms. Especially during this lockdown/pandemic!
Who is your favourite tech hero/leader?
Every female starting a career in STEM, breaking the odds and closing the gender gap is my hero.
What do you hope to achieve in your role at ACS?
I'm all about content. Making sure I learn and share qualitative and impactful content with the broader community.
Jamie Burrage – NSW State Manager:
What do you love about technology?
I can continue to connect with friends and family, irrespective of lockdowns and irrespective of where in the world they reside. I can also see photos of my daughter at daycare!
Who is your favourite tech hero/leader?
Shigeru Miyamoto, creator of Super Mario Super franchise. I spent many hours playing Mario Bro 1, 2 and 3 on my Nintendo as a kid…and maybe as a responsible adult!
What do you hope to achieve in your role at ACS?
I hope that when I leave the ACS, the members remember me as someone who improved their membership experience, and that I was a positive influence to my colleagues.
Elizabeth Pappalardo - Senior Account & Digital Events Manager:
What do you love about technology?
How it solves problems and gives us access to a better quality of life.
Who is your favourite tech hero/leader?
Jeff Bezos. His tenacity, stoicism, belief in himself and his product and vision for the future inspires me.
What do you hope to achieve in your role at ACS?
Helping our community connect the dots with their technology career.
Join the NSW team at the virtual ACS ICT Professionals Open Day on Wednesday 9 September, where you can learn more about getting the most from your ACS Membership. Register here. If you would like to get in touch with the NSW team with feedback or questions about your ACS Membership, contact us today.