ACS Queensland, QATSIF and Substation33 See IT Be IT Campaign – Connecting First Nations children with laptops in Queensland
15th September 2021
- The ACS (Australian Computer Society) Queensland Branch, Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Foundation (QATSIF) and Substation33 are collaborating on the “See IT Be IT” campaign, with the objective to connect First Nations students around Queensland with quality second-hand laptop devices.
- Can you help with a laptop donation that will directly help ATSI children throughout Queensland?

The ACS (Australian Computer Society) Queensland Branch, Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Foundation (QATSIF) and Substation33 are collaborating on the “See IT Be IT” campaign, with the objective to connect First Nations students around Queensland with quality second-hand laptop devices.
Peter Yeates ACS Qld Secretary and ICT Systems Manager at Padua College, Kedron has organised the first donation of quality used laptops from Padua College in support of “See IT Be IT.”
Here's what Peter had to say: “On behalf of Padua College we are really pleased to be able to donate these 75 working laptops to support digital inclusion for our students learning and their families through QATSIF, as well as a further 20 laptops to Substation33 to be recycled in line with our College's Franciscan heritage and making the world a better place through the ACS Qld See IT Be IT campaign.” A sincere thanks to Peter and Padua College for this generous donation.
Want to find out more about See IT Be IT, and how your company can get involved with donating quality used laptops to support children in Queensland without access to a device? Download the flyer here -
Contact Holly Bretherton, State Manager – ACS Queensland for more information on how you can organise a laptop donation to support digital inclusivity for First Nations students. Holly.Bretherton@acs.org.au