ACS Queensland Branch Executive Committee 2021 Election - Call for Nominations
29th September 2021
- Are you keen to shape the direction of the tech profession in Queensland? Don’t miss out on your opportunity to nominate for the Queensland Branch Executive Committee.

Notification on behalf of Beau Tydd, Branch President and Holly Bretherton, Branch Returning Officer.
Call for Nominations
Would you like the opportunity to help influence the ICT Profession in your state?
ACS encourages all members who believe they can make a positive contribution to the ACS via the Queensland Branch Executive Committee (BEC) to submit their nominations.
Nominations are called for the following positions due to expire on 31 December 2021:
Branch Office Bearers:
- Branch Chair - 2 year term
- Vice Chair - 2 year term
- Honorary Treasurer - 2 year term
- Honorary Secretary - 2 year term
Ordinary Committee:
- Ordinary Committee Member (5 positions) – 2 year term
Other Positions:
- Branch Returning Officer – 2 year term
How to nominate:
Nominations can be made using the online ACS Branch Executive Committee nomination form which includes all eligibility criteria to be checked prior to submitting.
Please see the ACS Branch Election Detailed Process Guide for full eligibility details. Eligibility will be confirmed via email within one (1) business day of receipt and it is the responsibility of the member to submit a valid nomination before the closure date
Nominations will close on Wednesday 29 September 2021 at 8:00pm AEST. No late nominations will be accepted.
Election: (if required)
If there are more nominations than positions, a ballot will be held to determine the successful nominees. Ballot papers will be issued via email from our election vendor. The draw down of the member electoral roll will be on the Tuesday 5 October 2021.
It is the responsibility of the member to ensure they are financial as at the time of the drawing down of the electoral roll in order to be eligible to vote. Members can check their membership status and make payments by logging in via www.acs.org.au.
If you would like more information about the nomination or election processes, please review the ACS Branch Election Detailed Process Guide or contact the Returning Officer at Returning.Officer@acs.org.au.
Record of Attendance for Current ACS Queensland BEC
Under ACS National Regulation 8.4.2 (d) the attendance record of current BEC members is:
Beau Tydd |
Chair |
7 of 8 |
Michael Driver |
Immediate Past Chair |
7 of 8 |
Paul Campbell |
Vice Chair |
4 of 8 |
Peter Yeates |
Hon Secretary |
8 of 8 |
Robert Tisdall |
Honorary Treasurer |
6 of 8 |
Nick Brant |
Ordinary Committee Member |
8 of 8 |
Mathew Eames |
Ordinary Committee Member |
7 of 8 |
Johnny Serrano |
Ordinary Committee Member |
7 of 8 |
Sharon Singh |
Ordinary Committee Member |
8 of 8 |
Marilyn Wells |
Ordinary Committee Member |
6 of 8 |
Kind Regards,
Holly Bretherton
Queensland Branch Returning Officer