How to best compete for tech talent
10 November 2021
- Nicola Steel, Founder, JJP Talent Solutions (ACS Queensland and RCL’s Preferred Recruitment Partner provides her insights into how to best compete for great tech talent in a hot market.

If like many organisations in Australia, your company is struggling to compete for and secure tech talent, you will be interested in the advice offered by ACS Preferred Recruitment Partner, Nicola Steel of JJP Talent Solutions. Nicola suggests several solutions to help companies compete for tech talent when there is a candidate shortage including:
· Ensure that the interview process is a two-way street - don't just grill the potential candidate, instead explain why they should join your organisation.
· Offer perks that candidates actually want including flexibility, remote working, learning and career opportunities, autonomy and making a positive impact.
· Offer competitive salary packages. Do your research to understand what is being offered in the market currently.
· Train candidates who demonstrate potential rather than just focusing on hiring the perfect candidate.
· Engage passive candidates with relevant content on social media.
· Hire for mindset over skillset.
Want to have a further chat to Nicola about how her tech recruitment services can support your organisation to connect with the best talent, or are you looking for a new tech role?
Contact Nicola at:
Email: Nicola@jjptalent.com.au
Mobile: 0499 773 546
Website: https://jjptalent.com.au/