A message from Rupert Grayston, ACS Chief Executive Officer
23rd November 2021
On Tuesday 23 November, ACS held their Annual General Meeting followed by a Members Information Session. Read more for a wrap up of the meeting and items discussed from ACS Chief Executive Officer, Rupert Grayston.

ACS 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 23 November was the second to be conducted online with nearly 100 members logging in for the meeting and the facilitated Member Information Session that followed.
Thank you to all who participated and well done to our team who delivered the event and managed notifications, event registration, production, online voting and surveys.
The AGM formalities to accept the minutes of 2020, the financial statements and the report of the Management Committee were carried, but again this year we had a substantial number of ‘abstain’ votes. We understand that many of these did so to send a message of ongoing dissatisfaction and we will be working to address those members’ concerns over the next 12 months.
Earlier, Congress held elections for the open 2022-23 Management Committee positions, and I would like to congratulate our incoming President and office holders:
- President – Nick Tate
- Vice President (Membership) – Jo Dalvean
- National Congress Representatives – Helen McHugh, Chris Radbone, Beau Tydd
Ian Oppermann’s term as President will expire at the end of the year and he will replace Yohan Ramasundara as Immediate Past President on the Management Committee.
I would like to extend thanks for Ian’s leadership through a challenging period in ACS’ history and Yohan for his service over recent years.
The information session following the AGM was facilitated by Assoc. Prof. Theresa Anderson MACS (Snr) CP, NSW Vice-Chair. Theresa put questions to President Ian Oppermann, Treasurer Arnold Wong and me on these topics:
- Progress on constitutional reforms
- ACS five-year plan
- Staff changes & culture
- Decision-making & expenditure controls
- Questions submitted by members
For those who missed the AGM and information session, a video recording is available at https://www.acs.org.au/myacs/memberarea/agm-and-annual-reports.html.
We are committed to ongoing transparency, communication and consultation. Communications will be critical through 2022 as the journey on becoming a Company Limited by Guarantee continues, we embark on delivering the next 5-year ACS Strategic Plan, and we work on building ACS’ position as the voice of Australia’s IT professionals.
Rupert Grayston
ACS Chief Executive Officer
AGM information and Annual Report updates can be viewed via the members portal at MYACS.