ACS Queensland Chapter Wrap up
8 December 2021
- ACS Queensland Regional Chapters are established in the Gold Coast, Toowoomba, Bundaberg, Rockhampton and Townsville. Hear from the Qld Chapter Chairs and learn how the Chapters support the remit of member engagement through quality local professional development and networking events and member outreach.

Active ACS Queensland Regional Chapters are established in the Gold Coast, Toowoomba, Bundaberg, Rockhampton and Townsville.
The Chapters seek to support:
· regional ACS member outreach and building of local professional networks;
· Development and delivery of topical, timely professional development and networking events; and
· the building of relationships between the educational sector and local tech employers.
Though our Chapter network we have held over 17 regional events this year, spanning topics from AI, Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation and tech career pathways and including presentations delivered at regional Universities. We achieved 881 registrations around the State for these events.
Highlights this year were re-vitalising the Gold Coast Chapter, re-establishing the Downs and South West Chapter in Toowoomba and establishing a brand new Chapter in Bundaberg.
Hear what our valued Chapter Chairs had to say…
Gold Coast Chapter
Of course COVID played a part this year, but, through it, was a genuine hunger and enthusiasm from the Gold Coast community to grow ICT and support each other as we move forward. We are so grateful for the support shown from the Higher Education institutions in the Gold Coast, from the expertise to facilities to use and providing opportunities. As chair, it was truly humbling to see the chapter members put so much effort into each event and with such willingness work together to see ICT grow.
The ACS community really grew in strength this year in the Gold Coast, which was our purpose, looking forward to more face to face events next year and create more opportunities for our members.
Mathew Eames, Chief Information Officer, Protech, and Gold Coast Chapter Chair
North Queensland (Townville Chapter)
2021 showed how ICT can be used for distance university and schooling while also needed improved home cybersecurity and systems modernisation. The ACS QLD Regional Roadshow was very topical for these changing times.
Matthew Bulat, ACS Queensland North Qld Chapter Chair
Bundaberg Chapter
It would be selfish for the IT industry to believe that they are special when it comes to being impacted by Covid-19 and the various side effects over the 24 months. Frankly if you dug into any industry far enough, you would find cracks and dents, that being said the past year or so has been a challenge for most IT professionals. Be in semi-conductor/stock shortages, workforce availability shortages or simply the spike in demand for services, all professionals in this space have felt it. It is exciting to go into 2022 knowing not that these challenges are gone but that this is the new norm and we are collectively adapting in ways that not only allow us to survive, but thrive in what is to come. To that end, I’m looking forward to leading the new Bundaberg Chapter in 2022 to support the local tech community.
Geoff Augutis, Director, Queensland Computers and Bundaberg Chapter Chair
Toowoomba Chapter
With all three sold out and highly engaged events, the newly established Downs and Southwest chapter shows that ACS can play a significant role in serving the region's quest for digital transformation and IT careers.
Rajib Rana, Associate Professor, Computer Science, USQ and Downs and South West Chapter Chair
Our Chapters will be hosting a Digital Transformation Regional Roadshow (featuring local tech leaders discussing their own experiences of digital transformation in their respective sectors) in key regional locations in the first half of 2022, commencing from February.
Keen to find out more about ACS Queensland Chapters, and how to get involved? Email Alannah Grech, Senior Member Services and Events Coordinator, Alannah.Grech@acs.org.au.