Bachelor of Commerce Students Seeking Business Problems for Capstone Projects
17th January 2022
- Curtin Undergraduate and Masters students studying Business Information Systems undertake a capstone project in their final year of study.
- Organisations are invited to nominate a team-based project that would help solve and improve real business challenges and opportunities.

Curtin Undergraduate and Masters students studying Business Information Systems undertake a capstone project in their final year of study. Depending on their specialisation, the goal is to prepare undergraduates for professional practice as Programmer Analysts working in Business Technology Developmentor as Business Analysts, and Masters students specialisations in either Data Analytics and Visualisation, Data Governance and Sustainability, or Information Security.
This is a team-based project of significant scope, undertaken over the course of one semester on behalf of a client.
Nominated projects should:
- be an authentic Information Communications Technology (ICT) project with outcomes of value to your organisation;
- provide an opportunity for students to consolidate skills and gain experience as they begin the transition from study to professional practice in ICT; and
- include requirements gathering, design, implementation, and evaluation phases.
To nominate a project, complete the Project Proposal form and send it to Brian von Konsky (B.vonKonsky@curtin.edu.au) by the Friday 11 February 2022.
To complete the form, you will need to provide the following:
- a brief paragraph that describes your organisation;
- a brief paragraph that describes the proposed project and major deliverables;
- identify the skills that students should possess for the project to be successful; and
- the name, phone number, and e-mail address of a contact person at your organisation.
A template is linked to assist with formatting the proposal.
Curtin also requires a recent fieldwork agreement. industry-based project agreement to be completed (linked).
We are happy to answer any questions you might have about your organisation’s potential participation, and look forward to working with you!
Please feel free to forward this call to others who may be interested in sponsoring a project. For further details, please contact
Brian von Konsky PhD FACS CP
Business Information Systems Discipline
ISYS3001/ISYS3002 Unit Coordinator