Meet the ACS QLD Emerging Professionals Committee
16 February 2022
- In February 2022, ACS Queensland kicked things off by establishing the Emerging Professionals Committee to support and encourage students, recent graduates and individuals interested in pursuing a career in Technology.

Last week, ACS Queensland kicked things off by establishing the ACS QLD Emerging Professionals Committee to support and encourage students, recent graduates and individuals interested in pursuing a career in Technology.
The committee is composed of ICT students and recent graduates, who are aware of how challenging the transition from studying to workforce can be. Their mutual purpose is to support, empower, and be a voice for up-and-coming professionals. Collectively, they are driven by excellence, courage, diversity, and inclusion. They are all enthusiastic and dynamic and look forward to driving positive change within the Queensland ICT community.
Mentored by ACS QLD BEC members Paul Campbell, Vice Chair and Nick Brant, Committee Member, the Emerging Professionals Committee is bound for success in 2022. The committee will be meeting monthly to discuss key objectives and upcoming intiatives to best support all emerging professionals find their way in the tech industry.
Interested in getting involved? The committee is now open to any groups, businesses or professionals who are interested in collaborating, mentoring, supporting or engaging with the upcoming emerging professionals and future leaders in the tech industry. The committee will be running a number of events to support students, so if you have any topics that you think may be of interest, or are interested in presenting at an event please get in contact. The committee will also be attending the ACS QLD State Tech Summit, so come along and say hello and meet the future leaders of ACS.
If you would like to discuss further contact Alannah Grech, QLD Senior Member Services and Event Cordinator at alannah.grech@acs.org.au or get in touch via Linked In.
Article author
Gabriela Monterio, Content and Engagement Lead, ACS QLD Emerging Professionals Committee.