2022 BiG Day In Brisbane IT Careers Conference
30 March 2022
- Did you miss out on the fantastic ACS Qld State Tech Summit last week? The ACS Foundation in conjunction with the University of Queensland invite you to attend the 2022 BiG Day In Brisbane IT Careers Conference.

The ACS Foundation in conjunction with the University of Queensland invites you to attend the 2022 BiG Day In Brisbane IT Careers Conference
When: Thursday 21 April 2022; 9.00am - 2.30pm.
Where: GHD Auditorium, University of Queensland, St Lucia Campus.
Book your tickets early so you don't miss out on awesome presentations from amazing industry presenters including Microsoft, Adobe, Technology One, BHP, Woolworths Group and more to come.
To adhere to the required Queensland Health directives, all attendees will be required to provide proof of double vaccination to enter the Venue by checking into UQ via the Check In Qld App.
Tickets - $10 per student
Further details on confirmed speakers & exhibitors will be issued shortly
Purchase your ticket here: https://acsfoundation.eventsmart.com/events/big-day-in-brisbane-uq-2022/