Attracting and retaining great tech talent
- Nicola Steel from JJP Talent Solutions, ACS Preferred Recruitment Partner, regularly advises tech leaders about the best way to hire tech talent during these challenging times. Read her top tips to attract and keep the best tech talent at your company.

Nicola Steel from JJP Talent Solutions, ACS Qld Preferred Recruitment Partner, regularly advises tech leaders about the best way to hire tech talent during these challenging times. Here are some of her insights:
Tech leaders need to think about the huge shift in employee mindset since the pandemic began including:
• Employees are people before they are workers.
• Work is just one aspect of life
• Employees find value in their work based on human elements, not just job benefits.
In a candidate short market, leaders who keep an open mind, think differently and have a proactive attitude will outperform their competitors. A human-centered Employee Value Proposition is required which includes the following:
⭐Shared purpose and values by prioritising social issues aligned with company's goals.
⭐Focus on interpersonal connections by integrating inclusion and building employee trust through empathetic conversations.
⭐Provide flexibility tailored to the role and individual
⭐Provide personal and professional growth opportunities
⭐Focus on employee's health and wellness
If you would like advice about how your company can attract, recruit and retain tech talent, please reach out to Nicola on 0499 773546 or email nicola@jjptalent.com.au
The diagram below demonstrates a human-centred Employee Value Proposition: