Digital Professional Workforce Action Plan 2020-24
- ACS Queensland was heavily involved in securing member consultation on the Digital Professional Workforce Action Plan (DPWAP) 2020 – 2024, and Government is calling on regional industry professionals in Townsville, Sunshine Coast, Mackay, Cairns, Mt Isa or Toowoomba to further have their say on the DPWAP implementation in regional settings via a short survey.

The Digital Professional Workforce Action Plan 2020-24 (the Plan) was launched on 24 June 2021 to address the digital skills shortage Queensland is experiencing. It was developed with industry and business leaders, employees, and educators. It has a metric to supply an additional 10,000 digital professionals by 2024 to meet industry’s requirements for jobs of the future.
Public consultation during the plan’s development not only highlighted an expected ICT skills shortage, but also identified that current skills are not meeting regional labour market needs due to lack of awareness and limited access to affordable professional development. Career perception was also raised as being a barrier to uptake.
To help the Queensland Government develop appropriate regional initiatives to address these findings, it is gathering feedback from regional businesses that employ people with digital skills from various industries. It is are seeking the help of businesses based in Townsville, Sunshine Coast, Mackay, Cairns, Mt Isa or Toowoomba.
They would like to understand the challenges and barriers being faced in these regions, for example, the ability to obtain and retain digital skills employees, as well as the types of digital skills roles needed now and into the future.
It will use this valuable feedback to inform the initiatives it develops under the Plan to positively impact the regional workforce and ensure the regions have the skills to design, build and implement the digital outcomes Queensland needs.
Your feedback and experiences will greatly assist government. The link to the survey is below and will only take 15 minutes to complete.
Follow the survey link here: