ACS WA 1962 Prize Trust - Now Open for Donations
16th June 2022
- The ACS 1962 Prize recognises and encourages excellence by annually awarding a prize to the best student completing an undergraduate degree in the Information Technology and Computing field in Western Australia.

The '1962' celebrates the year the first digital stored computer was installed in WA by Professor Dennis Moore AM.
The Prize is funded through the ACS 1962 Trust which was established in 2014 from an original donation of $25,000 by Dennis Moore.
In 2021, the Trust was altered to allow it to be registered as a charity and for new donations from individuals and organisations to be fully tax deductible. It is now a Deductible Gift Recipient Charity.
Click here for more information on how donations can be made >
The following links verify the charity status:
(https://www.acnc.gov.au/charity/ec5808ce4adb5ee1fb7a13b86e829727) and has DGR (Deductible Gift Recipient) status: (https://www.abr.business.gov.au/ABN/View/41895310501).