Industry Skills Advisor Roundtables in Regional Queensland – have your say on ICT training packages
- Run in conjunction with the ACS Queensland Regional Roadshow: Exploring Local Digital Transformation Journeys, ICT Industry Skills Roundtables are being held around the state to gauge input from ICT professionals on ICT training and investment priorities.

New Industry Skills Advisory (ISA) roles align with Skills for Queensland – Great training for quality jobs priorities, including delivering an expanded focus inclusive of employment, small business and regional skills needs.
Run in conjunction with the ACS Queensland Regional Roadshow: Exploring Local Digital Transformation Journeys, industry skills advisory roundtables have already occurred in Bundaberg, Townsville, and Rockhampton chapters. This valuable feedback from ACS members provides robust, evidence-based industry advice about skills needs, current and emerging industry direction, training solutions, jobs growth and employment opportunities. This advice will:
· inform and align our training and skills priorities and decision-making, including program design and investment settings.
· support and connect with our industry engagement framework priorities, including the work of departmental, regional officers, Regional Jobs Committees, Jobs Queensland and the Ministerial Skills Roundtable.
· inform and contribute to national vocational education and training (VET) reform agendas and the review and development of training package product.
· support employer, small business and industry's connection and engagement with VET and VET pathways and our programs, initiatives, and events.
Future roundtables are to be held in Toowoomba (21 July) and Cairns (25 August). If you would like to get involved and attend, please email Luisa Grant at luisa.grant@acs.org.au or call 0448 787 082