Jobs in the Metaverse
- ACS Queensland Preferred Recruitment Partner, Nicola Steel from JJP Talent Solutions, explores how the metaverse will change the way people find and start new jobs.

Jobs in the Metaverse
ACS Preferred Recruitment Partner, Nicola Steel from JJP Talent Solutions, explores how the metaverse will change the way people find and start new jobs.
Nicola explains that one key impact of the metaverse in job hunting will be virtual recruitment fairs so that potential applicants can get a much better picture of the company they are applying for. These applicants could also take a tour of the office and meet potential colleagues in the metaverse to gain a better understanding of what it would be like to work for their future employer. These principles could also be used to onboard new starters. Hyundai Mobis has already done this using the metaverse to introduce and train new employees.
The metaverse will also make it easier to collaborate across borders by enabling team members to gather as 3D avatars which will also dramatically cut travel costs. Another change is that jobs which have required in-person interaction will have virtual options so freelancing and remote work opportunities will grow at a much faster rate.
Nicola's advice is to remember that your reputation in the metaverse is just as important as it is in real life. When you interact with people in the metaverse, always treat them with kindness and respect. The metaverse will be a good place to network and create new career opportunities so you don't want to damage your brand or reputation. Her second piece of advice would be to keep an open mind to the numerous possibilities that the metaverse could offer you with regards to network and career opportunities.
Read Nicola’s full article in Yahoo Finance - https://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/metaverse-change-find-start-job-224654022.html