ACS Qld Regional Chapter Wrap Ups
- The vibrant ACS Qld Chapter network throughout South-East Queensland have delivered incredible support, networking and events for our members in rural and regional Qld this year. Hear from the Bundaberg, Downs and South West, Gold Coast and Townsville Chapters on their 2022 reflections and achievements, and directions for 2023.

ACS QLD Regional Chapter wrap ups
Bundaberg Chapter
2022 has been an exciting year for the Bundaberg chapter of ACS. The turnout to events has been exceptional as has the quality of events that we have put on with the amazing support of all of the ACS team and their industry connections. We have also held specific events for schools to help provide exposure for secondary school students to industry and assist in providing clarity around options that exist in tech careers – all of this in conjunction with the great ACS Gateway to Industry Schools team.
The formation and operation of the Bundaberg chapter has built awareness of the sector in the region and provided direct job opportunities for young people looking to enter the industry. Having a regional presence has allowed our chapter to fine tune messaging to tackle focus areas in Bundaberg. It has also created a great platform to promote amazing initiatives such as the See IT Be IT program, leading to positive social outcomes that extend beyond the sector.
An exciting year and no doubt a strong foundation for even more accomplishments to come in 2023.
Geoff Augutis
Director, Queensland Computers; ACS Qld Bundaberg Chapter Chair
Downs and South West Chapter
The Downs and South West Chapter had a fantastic year despite the difficulties with COVID-19. One of the chapter's key goals was to expand into some of the sectors that significantly contribute to the region's economy, such as AgTech, Manufacturing, Government, Health and the IT Industry. We have made excellent progress in expanding into these sectors and are looking forward to having new members from many of these sectors in 2023. The aim is to tailor ACS activities to the need of the region and be relevant. The chapter already has good representation from Transport and Logistics, Banking/Finance and Tertiary Education industries.
We offered three significant, carefully designed events in 2022: 1) ICT Career Pathways, 2) Exploring Local Digital Transformation Journeys, and 3) Networking for Employment Connections, where the #1 and #3 were connected events, #1 fleshed out the ICT career pathways and #3 helped students/job seekers getting onto the pathways. Event #2 aimed to disseminate the ICT success stories to the community to raise interest. We had a fourth event planned as a cyber security breakfast to raise citizen awareness of cyber security. This is now planned for early next year. Our goal is to connect industry with students, the workforce and academia while raising citizen awareness about the ICT sector. We will continue to do so in the coming years.
We request you contact us if you want us to deliver any specific events. Rest assured, all the members in the chapter share the same spirit of making a digital revolution in the community. So please reach out.
I cannot thank enough the chapter members, without their tremendous support, it would not be possible to deliver to the community. We look forward to working unitedly in 2023 to continue to benefit the region. I also cannot thank enough Alannah and Holly for their tireless support in organising and planning the events.
In closing, we thank you for being with us. We cannot wait to present many existing events in 2023.
Dr Rajib Rana, Professor of Computer Science, USQ
Program Director Master of Data Science | Program Director IoT-Health | Employability Lead School of MPC | USQ
Chair, Australian Computer Society QLD Downs and South West Chapter
Gold Coast Chapter
The Gold Coast Chapter can look back at 2022 and be very proud. We set goals to have our members to get more out of their ACS membership, promote and define ICT career pathways and connect parents & students to higher education career options and with industry. We achieved these things and more. We have built a very positive reputation in the Gold Coast region and the ACS is known as the connectors of students to industry.
As the Chair of the ACS Gold Coast Chapter, I have had it easy, I have a fantastic enthusiastic team who all share the same goals, we also gained new chapter members from the ACS emerging professional group which has given us a greater connection with students. The energy from the team infectious, thank you team!
Being the first year back with real live events since covid has been exciting. We have been able to hold events ranging from interview skills for students, to the start-up and over 130 at last Future Females in Tech event, always showing of emerging tech along the way. It was great to see people coming back to events, learning, connecting, and finding opportunities.
A huge thanks to the higher education partners on the Gold Coast, the support form TAFE, Griffith & SCU has been fantastic, and we could not have achieved what we have without their support. Being able to show off their facilities and education programs has been a real pleasure. It has also been great to draw on the great work being done in the ACS GISP program and connected with colleges in the Gold Coast to share with students and parents the opportunities in digital.
As we look towards 2023 and beyond, we aim to build on the positive reputation and energy we have on the Gold Coast, holding events but giving students opportunities to show off their skills and provide them a platform to gain real experiences. We also aim to spread our positive influence into broader news media on the Gold Coast and connect with local government to become strategic advisors.
Mat Eames, CIO, Protech
Gold Coast Chapter Chair
Townsville Chapter
The Townsville Chapter delivered two great events to support local members in 2022, including the March Digital Transformation Regional Roadshow and the November Networking Event at the Smart Precinct, with a focus on tech careers. We are planning a big 2023, with a revitalised Chapter and invite your suggestions on local events you’d like to see delivered.
Kelvin de Waele, Senior Manager, IT & Services, Townsville Catholic Education and Townsville Chapter Chair