Meet Your Western Australia Branch Executive Committee - Dr Darren Webb
19th June 2023
- Elected as WA Branch Executive Committee Member in 2022
- Interdisciplinary knowledge in Technology and Healthcare

Dr Darren Webb is the Health and Wellness Coach at Precision Health Coaching, a company offering epigenetic-based (AI driven) health behaviour coaching services. Dr Webb holds a PhD in Public Health, a Masters degree in Computer Science, a Bachelor of Science (Human Biology), a Graduate Certificate in Research Commercialisation, and a Professional Certificate in Health and Wellness Coaching.
He holds senior professional memberships in many peak bodies (AIDH, ACS, HCANZA) and is an elected member of Edith Cowan University’s Council and ACS WA’s Branch Executive Committee. He maintains professional development in emerging technology as related to all areas of healthcare.
If you would like to connect with Darren, you can join his network in LinkedIn here >
'Meet Your ACS Western Australia Branch Executive Committee' series aims to shed the spotlight on your WA BEC members.