Mentoring Program - Tips and Tricks for Mentees
- Our Mentor applications have closed off, we have amazingly skilled and Senior leaders ready to show you the ropes.
- Before starting the program read more for tips and tricks on how to start out, follow the link for how to make the most out of the ACS Mentoring Program.

The mentee is an equal partner in the mentoring relationship, and needs to take ownership of their responsibilities:
- Assume personal responsibility for your professional growth
- Listen and consider alternatives
- Maintain confidentiality
- Accept constructive feedback willingly
- Be willing to take risks and be open to new ideas
- Have a positive attitude
- Be punctual & demonstrate initiative
- Respect your mentor’s time
- Notify your mentor of your concerns, problems and questions
- Remember that there is more than one way to reach the goal
- Be honest in interactions and be fair in feedback
Mentees need to be aware of the potential pitfalls:
- Don’t rely on your mentor as the sole source of support or information
- Don’t expect your mentor to give answers to all your problems - think of the mentor as one suggested alternative
- Don’t ask your mentor to do the work for you
- Don’t expect your mentor’s feedback to be infallible
Come with an open mind and absorb some great tips and learnings on how to progress your career.