Notice of proposed alterations to ACS National Regulations – ACS Code of Ethics
- Management Committee, at their last meeting, resolved to support an alteration to the ACS National Regulations (NR).
- This proposed alteration is to replace the existing Code of Ethics under ACS National Regulation 4 with a new Code of Professional Ethics. The development of this new code commenced in 2019, Over the course of 4 years, the Professional Ethics Committee and the Professional Standards Board have undertaken a very robust consultation process.

Notice of proposed alterations to ACS National Regulations – ACS Code of Ethics
We are writing to you under ACS Rule 18.4 to advise of a proposed change to the ACS National Regulations.
Management Committee, at their last meeting, resolved to support an alteration to the ACS National Regulations (NR).
This proposed alteration is to replace the existing Code of Ethics under ACS National Regulation 4 with a new Code of Professional Ethics. The development of this new code commenced in 2019, Over the course of 4 years, the Professional Ethics Committee and the Professional Standards Board have undertaken a very robust consultation process.
The conclusion, a new Code of Professional Ethics, represents the first substantive review of ethics in over a decade. It seeks to modernise an ethical code while ensuring it can rise to future needs.
We applaud the work of the Professional Standards Board and ACS Professional Ethics Committee in completing this work.
Under ACS Rule 18.4, before a change in the ACS National Regulation can take effect, Members are required to be notified of the proposed alternation and given an opportunity to provide a written objection should they see fit (ACS Rule 18.5), To assist you, the attached document contains the proposed new NR4 Code of Professional Ethics, the current NR4 Code of Ethics, an explanation of the process and information about how to lodge an objection should you wish to.
Objections must be submitted in writing to the Chief Executive Officer, either by using our Objection form or writing to ceo@acs.org.au and must be submitted no later than 5pm AEDT, Tuesday 14th March 2023. If you have any questions or concerns, you can email ceo@acs.org.au.
Yours sincerely,
Nick Tate FACS CP Chris Vein MACS (Snr) CP
National President Chief Executive Officer