An Introduction to Quantum Technologies: Exploring Business Opportunities
- On Wednesday 14 June, our friends at The Precinct, Fortitude Valley are hosting a half day program exploring Quantum Technologies and opportunities for enterprise.

Over the past few decades, scientific understanding of the way the universe, light, and matter work has undergone a revolution that will transform our daily lives, and upend today’s social and economic structures. Scientists foresee the impacts being as significant as the introduction of digital computers, mobile and semiconductor devices on which we rely minute-to-minute.
The scientists and engineers in the research trenches call this the Second Quantum Revolution. The first Quantum Revolution gave us everyday technologies which until recently seemed like magic: lasers and optical fibres for fast internet, GPS navigation, magnetic resonance imaging to help keep us healthy, LED lights for our homes, and myriad of other everyday things most of us have no idea are quantum technologies.
The potential of the Second Quantum Revolution is endless - limited only by imagination and hard work.
Already sectors like defence, agtech, medtech, and even major international sporting events are exploring how to take advantage of these new quantum technologies, and breakthroughs are coming at an astounding speed. Join industry leaders at this special event which will explore the practical uses of new and emerging quantum technologies and the opportunities for your sector and individual business.
An Introduction to Quantum Technologies: Exploring Business Opportunities
Quantum Leap: technology to save the world
Speakers to be announced
Wednesday 14th June 📆
1pm – 7.30 pm ⏲
The Precinct, Fortitude Valley 🏢
Register here 👉 https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/join-the-second-quantum-revolution-tickets-633096607997