Calling all Tech Educators - PECAN Capture the Flag (CTF) initiative for high school students in years 10 +
- PECAN+ is a Cyber Security Capture the Flag (CTF) competition on 5 – 6 Aug aimed at high school students in years 10 +. In Qld, PECAN+ will be held at TAFE Qld (Bris) and Southern Cross University (Coolangatta).

We are so excited to announce that this year's PECAN Capture the Flag (CTF) initiative, aimed at high school students in years 10 and above, will be located at TAFE Queensland Brisbane and Southern Cross University- Gold Coast campus
Registrations: PECAN+CTF website https://pecanplus.ecusri.org
ECU (Perth),
Uni of Adelaide,
Box Hill Institute (Melbourne),
Uni of TAS,
ANU and Canberra Institute of Technology and Uni of Canberra,
TAFE Qld (Brisbane) and Southern Cross (Gold Coast),
and University of Wollongong
When: Save the Date - August 5 – 6 2023
Rules - Be nice, be kind and play fair
Each location will have desktops available for competitors to use. We will be using Microsoft Azure Labs and PECAN+CTF will be hosted on CTFd platform. These will be pre-configured for the competition. Competitors can bring their own laptops if they wish with VMs and Virtual Box installed ready to use.
Start training - Check out:
- PicoCTF Practice Gym
- CTF Learn
- Try Hack. Me - Linux
- Cisco Packet Tracer
- Over The Wire
- Grok Cyber Challenges
Downloads -
- Azure labs - https://azure.microsoft.com/en-au/resources/cloud-computing-dictionary/what-is-a-virtual-machine/
- Virtual Box - https://www.virtualbox.org/
Cyber Chef for cyber tools to learn - https://icyberchef.com/
Last year we used these tools. We are using Azure VMs with a Kali image. Some of the tools we used included
- Pwntools (python library)
- Autopsy
- Ghidra
- Burp Suite
- Foxy Proxy (A firefox extension for Burp & other proxys)
- Steghide
- Zsteg
- Stegsolve
- Radare2
- Hashcat
- Binwalk
- Wireshark
- GDB (GNU debugger)
- GDB plugins (PEDA, pwndpg & GEF)
- Exiftool
- Volatility
- Hashcalc
- Ltrace
Online tools:
We invite you to get a team of four together and start developing your skills.
Please share with your friends your networks, and your colleagues - we hope to have 400 competitors this year!!
Online CTF competitions - https://ctftime.org/event/list/
For further information contact - Michelle.Ellis@ecu.edu.au
Kind regards,
Dr Michelle Ellis
Outreach and Engagement
Cyber Security for Schools
Girls Programming Network (GPN)
DigiTech for Schools
School of Science
Edith Cowan University
Academic Centre of Cyber Security Excellence
Tel: 63046427
Email: Michelle.Ellis@ecu.edu.au
Room: JO 18:106
CRICOS Code 00279B