ACS Qld Branch visit to Rockhampton – Roundup and what’s next
- The ACS Queensland team visited Rockhampton last week to deliver the Data Security Roadshow with Cryptoloc. We met with many local members and also presented the ACS CQU Student Award.

The ACS Queensland Branch team including Chair Beau Tydd, and State Manager Holly Bretherton visited Rockhampton last week.
The final installment of the ACS QLD & Cryptoloc Technology Group Regional Roadshow was delivered in Rockhampton to a full house at CQUniversity, ATIC.
We extend our thanks to the event presenters - Jamie Wilson, Founder and Executive Chairman, Cryptoloc, who explored different approaches and best-practice data security, Luisa Grant, Skills Advisor, ACS, and Angela Lisle, Faculty Director, Faculty for Technology and Manufacturing, TAFE Queensland, who presented the new cyber security traineeship pilot secured by ACS and how attendees can benefit from this program, along with free TAFE courses available, and to the Chair of the ACS QLD Rockhampton Chapter, Roy Pidgeon, Chief Digital Officer, CQUniversity, for Chairing the event.
Additionally, we were pleased to present the ACS CQU Student Award to Wayne Alden, who achieved the highest GPA in the Bachelor of IT Degree. Congratulations Wayne from all of us.
ACS Queensland Branch extends a big shout out for our ACS QLD Regional Roadshow Partner Cryptoloc for supporting the ACS Chapters and regions, to venue sponsor, CQUniversity, for supporting this event and our very active Rockhampton Chapter in collaboration with CAP-ICT.
As mentioned on the night, the next event in Rocky is: IoT innovation and the power of LoRaWAN on Thurs 24 Aug 2023, 5:30pm for a 6pm start. This session combines a local innovation success story with an opportunity to deep dive into creating IoT (Internet of Things) solutions with one of the leading worldwide “LoRaWAN Gurus.”
If you are interested in being part of the Chapter, looking for a job in the Rockhampton region, or would like to know more about the ACS QLD Regional outreach please get in contact with Alannah Grech, Stakeholder Relations Manager at Alannah.grech@acs.org.au