Scaling For Women: A Dive Into The Capital Pathway – 15 August
- Join us on 15 August for a dedicated day of female founder support as we showcase and navigate the pipeline of programs available to Queensland women and their scaling businesses in today’s ecosystem.

Moderated by Pauline Fetaui from the Australian Computer Society, the day will feature two curated panels of industry leaders and experts from both government and industry, sharing their journeys across the capital pathway to success. Between both panels will be a networking and showcase lunch where you can speak to the panellists, network with other founders, and talk directly with support providers to find out what programs work best for you and your business. PLUS, witness an exclusive and candid interview between a female founder and their investor.
Enjoy light refreshments while you network with the panel speakers and other attendees, or go direct to the teams to see what support is available for you as a founder or your business.
The Advance Queensland Backing Female Founders and the Department of Industry, Science and Resources Boosting Female Founders Initiative teams will also be there to discuss their programs. Come and find out how the two departments can support you and your business.
This event is organised in partnership between Advance Queensland and Department of Industry, Science and Resources
When: Tuesday 15 August 10am – 2.30 pm
Where: The Precinct, Fortitude Valley
Cost: FREE
Register here 👉 https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/scaling-for-women-tickets-681265131347?aff=oddtdtcreator