What is the ACS Fellows Scheme and are your eligible to apply?
- To be awarded an ACS Fellow is one of the highest honours that ACS bestows. As defined in the national regulations, it is awarded to a person who has made a distinguished contribution to the field of information and communications technology in Australia.

Becoming an ACS Fellow
Becoming an ACS Fellow is one of the highest honours that the ACS bestows. Find out more about the ACS Fellows Scheme and how you can apply.
1. What is the ACS Fellows Scheme?
Becoming an ACS Fellow is one of the highest honours that ACS bestows. As defined in the national regulations, it is awarded to a person who has made a distinguished contribution to the field of information and communications technology in Australia. Distinguished contribution means a notable, recognised and positive influence within the information technology and/or in the field of information technology management, above and beyond normal expectations. To find out more about an ACS Fellowship, visit https://www.acs.org.au/professionalrecognition/hall-of-fame.html
2. How do I apply?
The process to apply for ACS fellowship is easy. Nomination forms and support documents can be accessed via the ACS website.
The ACS WA Branch Fellows Committee (BFC) assists professional members of the Branch in preparing their application for regrade to Fellow. WA Branch members can send an e-mail to BFC Chair Brian von Konsky at
Brian.von-Konsky@acs.org.au to request assistance, and a member of the Committee will be in touch with you!
3. What does the review and approvals process entail?
Completed nomination forms can be submitted via the local branch staff, Branch Fellows Committee or Chair. The nomination and accompanying documents will be reviewed by the Branch Fellows Committee or designated Fellows’ representative who will provide any feedback (if required). If the nomination requires no further amendments, it will be sent to an external assessor to conduct a point scoring assessment as outlined in the nomination criteria.
Should the nomination meet all requirements and be supported by the Branch Fellows Committee, it will then be circulated with the Branch Executive Committee who will review the nomination and vote to endorse the nomination. If endorsed, the nomination is then elevated to the National Fellows Committee (NFC) to deliberate.
The NFC convene on a regular basis to discuss submitted nominations and determine whether they’re worthy of attaining ACS Fellowship based on the criteria and evidence provided. If approved by the NFC, the nomination reaches its last step in the process and is presented to Management Committee for final endorsement.
Should the nomination not be endorsed or require amendments based on feedback from the National Fellows Committee or Management Committee, it will be returned to the nominating group or nominator with actions/details outlined.
4. Criteria for Eligibility
Distinguished contribution means a notable, recognised and positive influence within the ICT community, above and beyond normal expectations.
The following guidance is offered as an example of the form this might take, with a nominee being able to claim a distinguished contribution in one or more of these areas:
- An emphasis on leadership and going above and beyond what is normally expected from a person in his/her position;
- A deep understanding of the particular industry and emerging technologies and implications for business, initiatives on the development of professionalism, being widely recognised as a leader within industry, holding a leadership position on strategic development within organisations and in positions critical to organisational success;
- Leadership in their area of specialisation (demonstrated by qualification, research, publications), a deep understanding of educational programs and delivery mechanisms to develop professionals, and managing the development and delivery of advanced programs;
- A substantial contribution to the profession at a national and international level; or
- A significant contribution to government policy in an area of specialisation.
The above factors are illustrative only.
The applicant must also:
- Be a member of the professional division of the Society; AND
- Have a minimum of eight years practical experience in the art and practice of information technology (excluding time spent as an undergraduate student) of which at least five must have been in a position/s from which the actions of the nominee have resulted in outcomes which can be seen to support the ‘distinguished contribution’;
Satisfy at least one of the following:
o Be a resident in Australia or one of its Territories; OR
o Be an Australian citizen; OR
o Have spent no fewer than five years in Australia actively engaged in the art and practice of information technology, or in the direction, teaching or training of persons in the art and practice of information technology.
5. How does the ACS Fellows scheme benefit my ICT career journey?
An ACS Fellow award recognises distinguished contribution to the field of ICT in Australia. Fellowship is one of the highest honours you can achieve – it means you are amongst the best of the best.
6. If I am recognised as a Fellow, what title can I use? Can I use this on my organisation’s marketing material?
You are awarded the post nominals FACS – Fellow of ACS. Yes, it can be used on all marketing material.
7. Who do I contact for further information?
If you have any queries about the ACS Fellows scheme, please don’t hesitate in reaching out to the Branch Fellows Committee Chair Brian von Konsky (Brian.von-Konsky@acs.org.au) or WA State Manager Darren Roxburgh (Darren.Roxburgh@acs.org.au)