ACS Western Australia Branch Executive Committee 2024 Election - Declaration of Results
ACS WA Branch - 2024 Branch Executive Committee (BEC) election has now concluded and declare the following people elected to their positions.
- Branch Chair - 2 year term
- Vice Chair - 2 year term
- Honorary Secretary - 2 year term
- Branch Returning Officer - 2 year term
- Ordinary Committee Member (4 positions) - 2 year term

Branch Chair - 2 year term:
- Jerome Chiew MACS (Snr) CP
Vice Chair - 2 year term
- Brian von Konsky FACS CP
Honorary Secretary - 2 year term
- Leisa Armstrong MACS
Ordinary Committee Member (4 positions) - 2 year term
- Rohini Balapumi MACS
- David Cook FACS
- Sheavy Kaur MACS
- S Zaung Nau MACS
Returning Officer - 2 year term
- Darren Roxburgh MACS
Incoming position terms will commence on 1 July 2024.
The ACS would like to congratulate those members elected and wish them every success during their term as representatives.
The new ACS Western Australia Branch Executive Committee, commencing 1 July 2024, is:
- Jerome Chiew MACS (Snr) CP, Branch Chair
- Brian von Konsky FACS CP, Vice Chair
- Jacob Curulli MACS (Snr) CP, Vice Chair
- Leisa Armstrong MACS, Hon Secretary
- Arun Thavai MACS (Snr) CP, Honorary Treasurer
- Rohini Balapumi MACS, Ordinary Committee Member
- David Cook FACS CP, Ordinary Committee Member
- Umera Imtinan MACS, Ordinary Committee Member
- Sheavy Kaur MACS, Ordinary Committee Member
- Madeline Kawitzki AACS, Ordinary Committee Member
- S Zaung Nau MACS, Ordinary Committee Member
- Olivia van der Kroon AACS, Ordinary Committee Member
Kind Regards,
Darren Roxburgh
Western Australia Branch Returning Officer
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