ACS New Code of Ethics Released
- After review by the Professional Ethics Committee and extensive consultation with members, a new ACS Code of Professional Ethics (CoPE 2023) has recently been released in late 2023.

ACS New Code of Ethics Released
After review by the Professional Ethics Committee and extensive consultation with members, a new ACS Code of Professional Ethics (CoPE 2023) has recently been released in late 2023.
CoPE 2023 is underpinned by three values – Honesty, Trustworthiness, and Respect – and provides standards against which members and others can gauge technology professionals' ethical conduct and service delivery.
Details of how CoPE 2023 drives the ethical behaviours of ACS members and where to go if those behaviours or decisions are being questioned are available on the website here.
• A professional member will find guidance on ethical behaviours and decision-making.
• An emerging technology professional will find values and principles that underpin professional conduct.
• A learner will find behaviours described that build and maintain public trust in technology professionals and ACS as the professional society for technology workers.
• An educator will find fundamental values, standards and supporting material to assist learning on professional ethics in technology roles, now and as technologies change.
• A client/purchaser of professional services will find the ethical values and principles that underpin the professional judgements expected of technology professionals (including ACS members).
Watch for the ACS Professional Ethics, Conduct & Complaints Phase 2 release (March 2024) with a suite of member-only online resources, including case studies, that help build skills in ethical behaviours and decision-making.
For any comments or questions on CoPE 2023, please email professionalethics@acs.org.au, alternatively Membership.services@acs.org.au is available for any membership enquiries.