Solis Security Cyber Trends Webinar tomorrow 14 March
- Our good friends and ACS Professional Partners Solis Security are running a free 15-minute webinar tomorrow presented by David Rudduck, CEO and Conor Naughton, Digital Forensics & Incident Response (DFIR) team lead. Gain an understanding of the latest vulnerabilities and where you should be focussing your cyber security efforts.

Are you interested in knowing what's happening in the world of the cyber criminals?
Join David Rudduck, CEO and Conor Naughton, our Digital Forensics & Incident Response (DFIR) team lead, on March the 14th for our first quarterly Threat Intel Update webinar for 2024!
During this 15 minute webinar we'll look at:
- Cyber trends for the last 12 months (Jan - Dec 2023)
- Cyber trends in the last quarter (Oct - Dec 2023)
- Comparing what was reported to the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) to the incidents we investigated here at Solis
- What are the common types of cyber incidents currently?
- What are the common root causes to be aware of?
- What new security vulnerabilities are we seeing exploited vs what is just noise in the media
- And what should you be focussing your security efforts on?
Registration space is limited - so SIGN UP TODAY.
When: 10am (Brisbane) / 11am (Sydney) on Thursday March the 14th
Where: Webinar!
Register: Here
There will time for questions and answers at the end of the webinar for anyone who has burning questions they want answered!