The emotional intelligence quotient as a tech leader
- Hear from ACS Qld Preferred Recruitment Partner Nicola Steel in conversation with Jonathan Gamez to gain his insights into introspection, self reflection, and how empathy can help you as a tech leader.

ACS Preferred Recruitment Partner and Founder of JJP Talent Solutions, Nicola Steel talks to tech leader, Jonathan Gamez, in the latest episode of her podcast. In this episode, Jony explains how the ability to really understand people and emotional intelligence are critical to be successful in tech leadership as well as the importance of introspection and self reflection.
Jony has over 20 years' experience in the IT and OT domains. He began his career as a software engineer and progressed through various leadership roles, including CTO at Interlate.
Jony describes why he became involved in the tech industry and how he secured his first position. It took Jony over 6 months to achieve his first paid role in tech. Prior to this, he did two unpaid internships at Mincom which set him up in his career. His advice to graduates and emerging professionals is to make sure you take any opportunity that comes your way, even if it is not the ideal one because it will take you in the right direction.
Jony discusses his predictions for digital transformation in mining and resources including:
• greater adoption of autonomous vehicles and robots
• the ability to remove people from the hazard and therefore do all the hazardous work remotely
• the AI revolution and importance of critical thinking skills.
Listen to the full episode - https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/the-importance-of-emotional-intelligence-to-excel/id1508959925?i=1000654779680