Call for 30min interview – JCU Digital Twin Student
- Are you an educator in the tech Industry? A group of academics from JCU are working on CSIRO On Prime, a start-up program that needs your expertise via a 30mins short interview.

The Digital Careers Young Tech Ambassadors (YTA) school awareness program, supported by the Queensland Government’s Digital Professional Workforce Action Plan 2020 – 2024, organises the new wave of digital professionals to get face to face with secondary students to promote careers in digital.
Calling all educators, educational designers/academic developers /learning designers/ student support officers/ learning data specialists/Deans Learning and Teaching.
We are a group of academics from James Cook University : Kranthi Addanki ( Learning Science Researcher), Narayan Kumar ( Business Analyst), Jason Holdsworth ( Senior Lecturer, Information Technology), Kannan Singaravelu Jaganathan ( Lecturer, Psychology), Supinder Kaur ( Data Analyst).
We are working on CSIRO On Prime, a startup program for the project -Digital Twin Student. The project uses AI, NLP, and Nudge technologies to improve student engagement and retention in online learning platforms.
We engage with teachers in higher education and understand their pain points. Kranthi would love to discuss your educational experiences with learning management systems and the use of learning analytics data to understand what is working and what is not for you.
If interested, please reach out to me at Kranthi.addanki@jcu.edu.au (or) 0423834197.