Meet a Member – Paul Walters, Gold Coast Chapter Chair
- In OneACS, we’d like to introduce you to some of our amazing members. In this edition, you’ll get to know Paul Walters, Operations Manager at Mercury IT. Paul is also our new ACS Qld Gold Coast Chapter Chair, and is passionate about supporting the local Gold Coast Tech community.

Tell us about your tech career journey highlights to date?
There are so many highlights that come to mind. However, through all that its the time spent with colleagues. I have had the opportunity to work on systems around the world from within the comfort of a desk in Brisbane. Work with world renowned internal people troubleshooting their systems and getting solutions to their problems
Why did you get involved at ACS and what are you hoping to achieve on ACS Qld Gold Coast Chapter?
I was a sideline player for many years. I got more involved as an opportunity to give back and help make a change. We see so many challenges when it comes to IT. When it comes to skills shortages, recruitment and getting the appreciation. If I can be just a small cog in the wheel that helps bring change for the better than it will have been worth it. I believe that ACS has the opportunity to do that, and has the platform to bring real positive change to tech professionals and businesses.
What professional advice would you provide your younger self?
The people skills are just as important as the technology skills. It’s all well and good to understand how the processor works, but you need the skills to explain that to people that don't understand technology. This allows you to fix their issues and enjoy the process whilst doing it.
What is the ACS member benefit you enjoy the most and why?
Based on the above, it has to be the events and networking hands down. Don't get me wrong, I am a self-confessed introvert. Being in a room with likeminded individuals and hearing their stories about how they got where they were (new or old) is just awesome. I would not change that for the world
What is your favourite piece of tech or gadget?
I do like my gadgets and I play with many all at the same time. Couple of AI and learning technology I am playing with at the moment. Microsoft Co-Pilot and Plaud AI. They are great ways to use AI / Machine Learning to capture notes and turn them into useful notes rather than my illegible scribble
How can members contact you?
Best via LinkedIn, say you’re a member and I will connect.