Meet a Member – ACS Qld Branch Executive Honorary Secretary Peter Yeates
- In this edition you’ll meet Peter Yeates, from ACS Qld BEC. Hear about what has inspired Peter on their career journey in tech, what they are hoping to achieve on the pivotal ACS Qld Branch Exec Committee representing you as a Member, and what ACS benefit they enjoy the most. Over to Peter.

In this edition you’ll meet Peter Yeates, from ACS Qld BEC. Hear about what has inspired Peter on their career journey in tech, what they are hoping to achieve on the pivotal ACS Qld Branch Exec Committee representing you as a Member, and what ACS benefit they enjoy the most. Over to Peter ….
Tell us about your tech career journey highlights to date?
My interest in ICTs and tech generally was spawned when at St Peters Lutheran College in high school years (1981-85) I was introduced to coding computers gaming that was integrated into subjects from year 8 to year 12. When I moved out of home in late 1989 with my first job I saved up to purchase my own Personal Computer to help me do rosters in the Hospitality role. During the y2k bug time, as there where no dedicated IT people in the hotel, as a Hotel Duty Manager I got involved in the risk mitigation management. I also taught myself database and query languages to facilitate not needing external support contractors for Micros Fidelio. In 2000 I started a Masters of IT with view of a career change and in 2001 I moved to working as ICT Technician while continuing to study. Once finished my Masters while working for three years in education I got my first break into ICT Management in Toowoomba. After a couple of years I gained promotion to the larger (& first Qld Grammar School) Ipswich Grammar. To challenge myself in 2014 I took a role at a Managed Service Provider where for a couple of years I absorbed a breadth of different skills while utilising my service skills from Hospitality roles of past. In 2016 I returned to education at Padua College, then Somerville House before my recent move to Presbyterian Methodist Schools Association (PMSA).
Why did you get involved at ACS and what are you hoping to achieve on ACS Qld Branch Exec?
I started my involvement in ACS as a student QUT member in 2001. I was involved in an education special interest group while at Ipswich Grammar School during which time I also joined the BEC for the first time. I got involved to give back and to collaborate with like minded people who either wanted to personally improve or share their experiences.
What professional advice would you provide your younger self?
Be willing to put myself 'out there' earlier in my career, to learn from others.
What is the ACS member benefit you enjoy the most and why?
In 2008 I participated in the Australian Computer Society Growing Team Leaders Program which built my confidence and ultimately I feel facilitated or empowered my career development.
What is your favourite piece of tech or gadget?
In 1983, I purchased the Fame and Watch (by Nintendo) Donkey Kong double screen which still have and occasionally turn on to reminisce with the retro technology.
How can members contact you?