Celebrating Steve Godbee, retired CIO, IBM

Steve Godbee, the former CIO of IBM, is synonymous with innovation and leadership in Australia’s tech sector. For decades, he’s driven technological advancements and been a passionate mentor to fellow tech professionals.

As an active and longstanding member of ACS and with a heartfelt commitment to nurturing talent, Steve has consistently pushed boundaries to drive Australia’s next wave of digital transformation.

Earlier this year, Steve announced his retirement from IBM and a career shaping Australia’s tech sector. The following article is taken from an interview with Steve, generously granted to ACS. In it, Steve discusses his career and shares advice not found in a textbook.

Celebrating Steve Godbee’s contribution to ACS

Steve Godbee has been an influential ACS member. As a leading voice in Australia’s tech sector, ACS has been a platform for him to contribute to many key areas, including professional development, technological innovation, and inclusivity.

Appointed Director of the Member Lifecycle Board from 2007 to 2011, Steve was instrumental in driving significant changes and programs that have transformed ACS, including the Professional Partner Program and ACS Membership.

Through his affiliation with ACS, Steve has helped provide pathways for experienced and young professionals to upskill and stay relevant in a rapidly evolving digital world. His efforts have positioned ACS as a critical learning, leadership, and community-building hub. In particular, the organisation has expanded its reach to include international tech students and professionals.


Six principles that have defined Steve’s career

Steve’s rich experience spanning 30 years offers invaluable lessons for those wishing to accelerate their journey in tech. Here are six standout takeaways from his career:


1. Commit to Lifelong Learning

While the pace of technological change can be overwhelming, Steve believes the key to thriving and staying relevant is continual learning. “The key thing is the aptitude to continually learn and pick up new skills,” he says. In tech, a skill can be crucial today but irrelevant in a few years. Over his career, Steve’s observed the shifts and how “at a particular point in time, a specific technology skill can be absolutely valuable and absolutely key. Five years later, it may not.” This insight reminds us that it’s essential to assess your skills regularly.


2. Seek Mentorship and Be a Mentor

Mentorship is a two-way street, in Steve’s experience. “Being a mentor, you get the golden nuggets from the mentee, particularly ones using the latest tech that maybe I haven’t even heard of,” he shares. It’s why he’s always approached mentorship from the standpoint of offering guidance and simultaneously learning from the fresh perspectives of those newer to the field. Steve feels that this symbiotic relationship has contributed to his professional growth—as a leader and mentor. He passionately encourages everyone to seek out mentors and mentees to foster continuous learning.


3. Embrace Change and Adaptability

Reflecting on his career, Steve highlights the constant need to adapt. “When I first joined the industry, the technology I was using looked nothing like it does today, and it continued to evolve rapidly,” he recalls. Staying ahead of these shifts was key to both his success and IBM’s. His advice to today’s tech professionals? Don’t just embrace change—anticipate it. One way to do that is through organisations like ACS. Steve encourages staying informed: “Read, keep up to date with what's happening in the media about the industry, grab every opportunity to attend events, get out and meet peers and suppliers.” It's a reminder that professional networking is crucial—not only for support during times of change but also for finding solutions when it’s time to adapt.


4. Lead with Integrity

Leading with integrity has always been important to Steve. “Lead by example. Don’t expect other people to do something you wouldn’t do yourself,” says Steve. Whether you’re managing a team or a project, acting with honesty and transparency builds trust and sets a standard that others will follow. Steve also feels that reward and recognition are a valuable part of good leadership. “Make sure there’s continual feedback; reward somebody for a job well done. But also, if they’re struggling or there’s a problem, being able to coach them through that without coming down heavy-handed but being able to help point them in the right direction, that’s great,” he says.


5. Focus on Collaboration and Team Success

Throughout his leadership, Steve realised that success comes from building strong, diverse teams where collaboration thrives. When teams collaborate, better communication and problem-solving often lead to more creative outcomes. Steve emphasises that the greatest innovations come from collective effort, not individual brilliance. “It’s teamwork,” he adds. This is why he advocates for honing both technical and soft skills, such as “presentation, communication, and listening.”


6. Prepare for Opportunity

Looking back, Steve realises that simply ‘showing up’’ has been a common theme, underpinning his success across the various roles he's held and the opportunities he's encountered. “Whatever role I was in, [I] just tried to do the best that I could in that,” says Steve. His career advice for others is simple. “Do the best you can in the current job, have that reputation [and] put your hand up for things you’d want to do in the future. If you don’t, then you might miss out completely.” He also suggests raising your hand for the challenges people don’t want to face. “Those may be a bit daunting, but it gives [you] the opportunity to really stand out from the crowd,” says Steve.



Steve Godbee’s contributions to Australia’s tech sector have created a lasting legacy. Steve has played a pivotal role in shaping the industry’s future through his association with ACS, his leadership, and his unwavering support for continuous learning and mentorship. As he continues to inspire tech professionals across the country, his focus on integrity, adaptability, and teamwork serves as a powerful blueprint for those striving to make their mark in the rapidly evolving world of technology. Watch Steve’s interview to gain valuable insights from his remarkable journey.