ACS Qld Fellows lunch a success!
- On 19th November we hosted our annual Fellows Lunch at Victoria Park Golf Complex, celebrating together with over 60 Fellows and Senior Members of ACS in attendance. Read a recap of this very special event and find out more on how to become an ACS Fellow.

On 19th November, ACS Queensland hosted the annual Fellows Lunch at Victoria Park Golf Complex, recognising and celebrating together with over 60 Fellows , Senior Members and Emerging Professionals of ACS in attendance, as well as special guests including:
- Helen McHugh MACS Snr CP, President, ACS.
- Mat Eames MACS Snr, Chair, ACS Queensland Branch Executive Committee.
- Jacky Hartnett FACS, Vice Chair of National Fellows Committee, Tasmania Congressional Representative, and Tasmanian Branch Honorary Secretary.
- Rod Dilnutt FACS, Chair of the ACS Victorian Branch Executive Committee; Victoria Congressional representative, and ACS Management Committee member.
- Cindy Chung MACS CP, Chair of the ACS New South Wales Branch, and New South Wales Congressional Representative.
- Wayne Fitzsimmons FACS, Chair of the Pearcey Foundation.
- Zolzaya Bayarsaikhan AACS, ACS Queensland Branch Executive Committee Member and Chair of the ACS Queensland Emerging Professionals Committee.
We were thrilled to present awards and ACS Fellows Honour caps, and acknowledge our recent Fellows from late-2023 and 2024 including:
- Johnny Smoes FACS CP
- Ryan Ko FACS
- Clarrie Baxter FACS
- Michael Cowing FACS
- Sarah-Jane Peterschlingmann FACS
- Neil Thelander FACS
- Ernest Foo FACS
Nick Brant, Chair of the Queensland Fellows Committee and Honorary Branch Treasurer, together with Mat Eames, Queensland Branch Chair, were pleased to present ACS Fellows Honour caps to those Queensland ACS members awarded Fellowship since 2020.
Are you interested in nominating for ACS Fellowship? Find out more at https://www.acs.org.au/professionalrecognition/hall-of-fame/Fellows20232024.html