Make a difference and support students through the ICT GISP
- Support development of the ICT talent development pipeline with the ICT Gateway to Industry Schools Program.

The ACS ICT Gateway to Industry Schools Program (GISP) assists secondary schools to connect with the tech industry, promote career pathways, develop student skills and increase teacher efficacy.
From 2025, ACS has been awarded an additional 3-year contract to deliver the ICT GISP and is making available the opportunity for business and allied organisations to become official Industry Partners as an effective and meaningful way to align Corporate Social Responsibility with talent pipeline development.
Through initiatives organised by the Project Manager, companies can easily invest time and expertise into creating a larger pipeline of future ICT workers by sharing their knowledge and expertise with students and teachers.
This is your chance to make a difference in the lives of our young people. Through a partnership with the ICT GISP, you can easily give back to the community. You can check out #ictgisp on LinkedIn to see what the ICT GISP looks like in action.
Activities you can connect with:
Tech Ambassadors are employees who visit schools, virtually or face to face, to share their career journey with students and answer questions.
The Educator to Industry teacher tour connects Digital Technologies teachers with industry employers, to tour the workplace and hear from leaders and young workers.
The FutureTechie program recognises exceptional students and places them, alongside their parents, in local tech workplaces to gain insights from leaders and employers.
International Girls in ICT Day is celebrated on Thursday 24 April 2025. Industry partners can empower their female employees to connect with a school and share their own story with female students.
To learn more about the ICT GISP, or to submit an EOI to contribute to the project, visit: https://qldictgisp.acs.org.au/partners.html
You can also email acsictgispcoordinator@acs.org.au for more information or to receive the flyer you can share with your networks.
The Gateway to Industry Schools project is proudly supported and funded by the Queensland Government.