ACS Queensland Branch planning night outcomes
- Our ACS Queensland Branch Executive Committee, Regional Chapters and Emerging Professional Committee leads came together for a productive annual planning session on 12 February.

On Wednesday evening, the ACS Queensland Branch hosted our annual planning evening together with our Branch Executive Committee (BEC), Regional Chapter and Emerging Professionals Committee Leads, who joined us from Brisbane, Gold Coast, Toowoomba, Bundaberg, Rockhampton and Townsville. Led by Chair Mat Eames, the group heard the current state of play, key Branch wins and suggested areas of strategic focus to support growth from State Manager Holly Bretherton, with Alannah Grech, Partner Success Manager speaking to the strategy and success of the Supported Student Member program.
We greatly appreciated the invaluable feedback, ideas and productive discussion that our elected members and volunteer Chapter leads contributed to, together with the ready assistance, input, and support of the branch team before and on the night - Angela Chen, Membership, Accounts & Events Support; and Caitlin Hultgren, Senior Member Services and Events Coordinator; Sharyn Mick, Stakeholder Relations Manager.
The outcome is a plan of tangible actions owned by the BEC and each region that will support member growth, events and engagement across Queensland – stay tuned for further updates as we progress!