An update from the Victorian Branch Chair, Dr Rod Dilnutt FACS CP
14 September 2022
- The success of our in-person events and the enlivening networking that is happening in growing numbers has been encouraging.
- A key event was the launch of the ACS/Deloitte Digital Pulse. Approximately 80 attendees witnessed the launch and welcomed our new CEO, Chris Vein, and our President, Dr Nick Tate.

The success of our in-person events and the enlivening networking that is happening in growing numbers has been encouraging. I feel we are just beginning to re-engage our members in ACS activities and networks.
A key event was the launch of the ACS/Deloitte Digital Pulse. Approximately 80 attendees witnessed the launch and welcomed our new CEO, Chris Vein, and our President, Dr Nick Tate. We then heard from Minister Jaala Pulford, and Kathy Coulas of DJPR, and were treated to an entertaining plenary from Pete Williams of Deloitte Edge. This year’s Digital Pulse sets out some challenges for our economy and it was great to see a focus on diversity and inclusion.
A/Prof Karl Reed hosted our well-attended Branch Forum with Catherine Thompson presenting on the Robodebt debacle. Our Branch forums are now part o our routine with some great speakers lined up for the rest of 2022. We have also hosted events in the start/scale innovation community which have also been well attended.
I am also really excited by our Supported Student Member pilot. This is a National initiative with The University of Melbourne and Deakin University students becoming ACS student members for free. We have great support from both Universities and are looking to engage this critical cohort and learn how we better satisfy their needs.
Our Young Professionals Committee is heavily involved, who better to engage with young people, than other young people? We will be rolling the programme out for all students in 2023, so baby steps for the moment.
In addition, the ACS Victoria Blockchain Community of Interest (COI) committee members have been announced – Dolly Brtan, Dilan Jayasekara and Brett Williams. They are about to announce some upcoming blockchain events. Also, we are still looking for committee members of the data COI, so if you are interested, please contact acs.vic.org.au
Finally, I am proud to tell you that our BEC member, Manjusha Bhakta has won the quarterly President’s award for her outstanding leadership with our young Professionals Committee and the Data Analytics Community (SIG).
A lot is happening, so let us all get involved in this thriving member community, renew old acquaintances and make new contacts. I need to catch my breath but will have more to report next month. As always, I welcome your feedback and suggestions.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Rod Dilnutt FACS CP
ACS Victoria Chair
E: acs.vic@acs.org.au
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