Behind the scenes series#3: ACS Canberra Team Spotlight
- To help you get more out of your membership, we want to introduce ourselves and what we do, so you can connect more with us. We are pleased to be running a series of articles introducing our staff and BEC members.
- This week, we spoke with Moe Ayoub and asked him what motivates his day-to-day work at ACS.

Get to know Moe Ayoub, Stakeholder Relations Manager, ACS Canberra.
Moe Started with the ACS in 2022 as the Stakeholder Relations Manager. “My direct team and the other ACS employees in Canberra have been extremely welcoming and supportive. I get to work in a collaborative matter with other areas of the business which leads to increased motivation, performance and culture within our office”. He said.
“I have enjoyed my start here at the ACS and with the support of my Branch Manager, colleagues and BEC, I hope to continue to grow both professionally and personally”. He added.
As the Stakeholder Relations Manager, Moe handles both internal and external relationships for the Canberra branch with an emphasis on mutually beneficial partnerships and the management/delivery of a state wide Student Engagement Program. “Forging meaningful relationships and partnerships within the ICT sector is extremely rewarding, I am able to meet so many interesting, intelligent and driven individuals both from large multinational organisations all the way to where it all begins, at the tertiary student levels. It is important I am able to act as a conduit, helping pair future talent with both local and national business to ensure Australia stays at the forefront of the technology sector for years to come”. He noted.
Moe has extensive experience in Account Management, Sales, Recruitment and Relationships which he says has helped him settle well into his role as the Stakeholder Relations Manager. “Joining a professional association like the ACS has been extremely exciting for me personally. I was extremely encouraged seeing the hard work of the people that work here to deliver the best product possible to its members, furthermore, I was lifted by the level of passion our members have for the organisation and industry as a whole, it has reinforced the importance of my role to represent the team Canberra accordingly”. He insisted.
Moe enjoys watching soccer having played the sport growing up. “I have always loved soccer since I was a young child, supporting Real Madrid”. He said. Aside from Soccer, Moe is a sports fanatic and says he just loves old fashioned competition. “I do enjoy sports, I love seeing the best in the world do what they do best, not just sports but in anything, there is something extremely alluring to me about seeing the best in world refine their craft, whether that’s Soccer, Chess or even Coding”. He concluded.
Currently Moe is working on various projects and initiatives catering to both Industry and Tertiary schooling. If you would like to get involved in any way as a sponsor or speaker please get in touch with the Canberra Branch.