Mid-year review from ACS Victoria Chair, Jo Dalvean
15 September 2021
- The Branch Executive has prioritised improvements that serve our membership
- Branch Executive Committee focus on young professionals, member communication and networking, diversity and inclusion, and member recognition
- The Victorian Branch have prepared an exciting calendar of events for 2021

Dear Member,
I trust you have been keeping safe and well during Lockdown.
2021 has been as tough as 2020 for Victorians. I note the challenges of managing parenting duties, overseeing primary education and also meeting the requirements of work as a virtual team member. It is heartening to see employers acknowledge that off-site, virtual work can become very stressful.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my first six/seven months as Chair of the Victorian Branch Executive. The Branch Executive has prioritised improvements that serve our membership. A Member Engagement Task Force led by Vice Chair, Rod Dilnutt has developed 19 strategic initiatives aimed at enhancing member services and growing our membership. Initiatives endorsed by the Branch Executive Committee focus on young professionals, member communication and networking, diversity and inclusion, and member recognition. More recently a Student Listening Forum resulted in a number of recommendations, which the branch are reviewing and prioritising. Stay tuned for updates on progress.
Many ACS events held around Australia are open for all of us to attend so please log in to MyACS to see the events available for registration. The calendar updates often, so be sure to also check the latest ACS event enews.
The team at the Victorian Branch have prepared an exciting calendar of events for 2021 focused on a range of different topics and themes such as AI, Medtech, Deep Tech, Blockchain, Digital Transformation, Governance IT, Leadership, Data and Cyber, to name a few. We have also implemented a revised version of the Tech Talent Program, Tech for Kids Program and our ACS Victorian Student Ambassador Program.
Our Cyber Security theme leader, Professor Matt Warren, is keen to hear from anyone interested in developing a new ACS Cyber Security (Victoria) community to look at organising activities starting later this year. If you are interested please email at acs.vic.@acs.org.au to express your interest.
And, finally, please look out for the Victorian BEC Branch Elections for 2022 that will be opening soon for all eligible members to apply.
I look forward to seeing you all at one our upcoming events.
Kind regards,
Jo Dalvean, MACS (Snr) CP