Keeping technology at the forefront of federal politics
30 March 2022
- Technology education key to Australia's economic growth
- Digital literacy essential for economies of the future
- Regional Australia needs digital investment

As the Federal Election approaches the concerns and requirements on the technology sector are integral to not only a successful process but, potentially the result. As a nation Australia has been sliding on many economic measures and technology is not only one of them but also the key to our economic prosperity and competitiveness.
Broadly, the sector has suffered from a lack of government investment and focus with the bulk of development being driven by private investment. Where can the government invest to ensure our future as a digitised economy and a globally relevant technology leader? ACS has proposed nine recommendations across the ACS 2022 Federal Election Platform and have called for all major parties to adopt these as part of their policy position.
Education is central to the growth of the sector and investment across digital skills from school age through to retraining professional is beneficial. Investment in education and boosting female participation alone could see 5,000 highly skilled jobs created each year for the next 20 years. However, technology skills are most needed to be taught to our children so they meet the needs of a technology driven society. Sadly, over 75% of primary teachers have no prior experience or training in teaching the Digital Technologies Curriculum.
We need these education programs in place to grow the sector in number and skill to address continued economic prosperity for Australia. Technical literacy is especially important in growing our regional digital economy and a proposed $500m dollar program seeks to achieve the improvement needed. Digital technologies are essential to much of the regional economy in driving efficiencies and profitability across agriculture, mining and logistics. Key to this is the reliability of internet and the speeds it can be delivered, this is a focus point for the next Federal Government in ensuring regional Australia continues to grow.
As the sector grows and skills improve we are confident that the Australian economy will benefit. In turn, the benefits of considered and sustained investment in the technology sector will see Australia rise as a globally relevant digital leader and a destination for the world’s best and brightest technology professionals.
Technology will be front and centre as we transition to the economies of the future.
ACS is hosting a debate about this and other policy proposals on 12 April. The event is available to register for in-person or online now. For all ACS upcoming events, click here.
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